Flag Knowledge
A national or regional flag symbolizes the country or region itself.
As an individual, there are recommendations to follow the current flag, with the purpose of protecting the flag as a traditional and national symbol.
The attitude of flags has changed over time, just like much else. Everyone who has a military obligation knows how to protect the flag , but for a few years, military service has been abolished and education in flag enforcement is perhaps nothing like reaching out to the common man. Here's a small summary!
What are the flag rules?
But recommendations!
• The flag should be treated with respect!
How is the flag hoisted?
• The flag must not touch the ground
What is the right side up?
Our lable is all our pennants and flags, that shows what side is up
What flag can I hoist?
wich you want!
You may even hate another country's flag on national day, but never more than one flag in the flagpole at a time. Then there are flags that, for various reasons, should not be hoisted, as it may be offensive and people are guilty of publicity.
• The flag should be in good condition, not sun bleached, clean from air pollution and other dirt
When will the flag be hoisted?
When the flag is hoisted it should be bright outside!
• Summer time for flagging is at. 08:00 from 1 March to 31 Oct.
• Winter time for flagging is at. 09.00 from 1 Nov - 28-29 February
But how are you doing north of the polar circle?
Where is the midnight sun in summer and brooked around the clock in winter?
According to the Swedish military, the flag is to be hoisted during the period 7 December - 3 January at. 9 am and lovered at 11.50, After January 3, you will then spend a few minutes each day until the time is in line with the normal schedule.
When will the flag be lovered?
• The flag is to be lovered at sun down, but by noon at the latest. 21:00
• If you want to fly a flag at night, the flag should be illuminated
• The flagpole should never be empty
What should you have if the flagpole does not get out?
• Vimpel may be used throughout the day
• Bandwimpel is the official pennant
• Cormorant is a nice competitor, but not officially accepted, so let your taste and taste decide
Where should I throw my flag?
• Use flag should be burned in a worthy way or cut into pieces and disposed of in residual waste
Why do you flag on half mast?
Sorg flag - Flag on half-staff
In case of death and burial, you flag half amst. First, the flag is raised to the finial , then directly halved to about 2/3 parts of the flagpole length.
Facade flag halved into the half length of the mast.
When do you feel sad?
The day when a death occurred or the day after the flag time becomes very short. The day of burial is flagged again on half-bar.
How do you lover the flag?
When the funeral is completed, the flag of the hoist is at the finial, either to be halved directly or remain hoisted for the rest of the day and descending at regular time.